In 2018, after years of dreaming about creating a sustainable homestead for us and our family, we made our vision a reality. Not only creating a home for us and our 3 boys, but creating a way of life, and a community of agriculture for those who wish to know where their food comes from.

At Carver’s Natural Farms we have done just that. We raise our animals ethically, feeding them non-GMO grains with no added hormones or antibiotics. We raise them in a natural environment, outside on pasture that is free of chemicals and pesticides, letting our chickens be chickens and our pigs be pigs! 

We don’t do this just for the delicious meat and eggs that we receive but also to regenerate the soil. Our animals work to fertilize the land so that nature can flourish!

We are beyond excited to keep expanding our vision, not only for our family but for yours. Stay Tuned to hear what we’ve been cooking up this winter…